Dr. James McInnis

Doctor of Medicine

Dr. James McInnis, Lt. (N), MD, CCFP, has established a commendable career in medicine, dedicating ten years to emergency and trauma care, complemented by sixteen years as a family physician. He balances his professional life with personal commitments as a devoted father of four, an avid athlete, a lieutenant (N) in the Canadian Armed Forces, a Navy reservist, and an active volunteer.

The Early Years

Born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, and the eldest among four siblings, his lifelong enthusiasm for sports began early. He played hockey, baseball, tennis, and golf during his youth, reaching competitive levels in hockey and baseball. His pitching skills even drew attention from the Boston Red Sox. Into his adult years, he expanded his athletic activities to include weightlifting.

His early introduction to responsibility came through his paper route at age ten and a full-time job at McDonald’s by age thirteen, laying the groundwork for his robust work ethic.

Education, Professional Licensure, and Certifications

His academic path started with a BBA from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which he completed in 1992. After a brief travel stint in the United States, he returned to academia, securing a BSc (Honors) in Biochemistry and Genetics from Dalhousie University in 1997. He continued at Dalhousie to earn an Epidemiology Certification, entered its Medical School in 2000, and earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 2004. His postgraduate work in Emergency and Family Medicine took place at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

His credentials include licensure by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC), a Commissioned Rank as Sub-Lieutenant, certification from the Canadian College of Family Physicians (CCFP), and a promotion to Lieutenant (N) within the Royal Canadian Navy.

Honors and Awards

Dr. James McInnis has been recognized with several awards, including the Prince Edward Island Top Medical Student Scholarship, the Burke Certificate for Promise in Family Medicine, and a Special Citation for Meritorious Service in the Canadian Armed Forces, among other accolades for his academic contributions.

Academic Experience

His academic roles have been varied. He has served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Laboratory Studies at Dalhousie University, a Senior Postgraduate Clinical Instructor at McMaster University, and a Senior Professor and Evaluator at the Canadian Forces School of Physician Assistants at CFB Borden, Ontario.

Serving His Country

His military commitment included nine years as a Lieutenant (N) in the Canadian Armed Forces, where he continues to serve as a Class B reservist for the Royal Canadian Navy. His service included extensive medical duties both domestically and in deployment settings, participation in disaster response teams, and specialized consultancy roles.

Clinical Experience and Medical Practice

Previously an Emergency Physician at McMaster University Hospital, he later assumed the role of Director of Care at Wasaga/Angus Community Health Center. He joined the Medical Division of the Canadian Armed Forces as a Class B reservist in 2010.

Volunteer Work

He has a rich history of volunteering, including medical support at shelters in Halifax and continued involvement in Hamilton and Toronto. His volunteer efforts also extend to assisting individuals leaving the sex trade and tutoring children in group homes.

A Family Man, A Man of Faith

As the father of three daughters and a son, Dr. James McInnis is deeply engaged in supporting their activities, from minor hockey coaching to volunteering in figure skating and dance. He cherishes family time, particularly outdoor activities and sports.

He practices his faith at Mapleview Christian Church, regularly attending services with his children.

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